This is an easy method for brining and roasting your Thanksgiving turkey!
Brining the Turkey will help flavor the meat but also keep the breast more moist though out the long cooking process.
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup salt
1 bay leaf
any other herbs that sound good
I use rosemary, peppercorns, and thyme
Prepping the Bird
You will need to brine the turkey for about 2 hours per pound.
I put the turkey in this at least 24 hours before cooking (longer is ok but not less)
Put all brine ingredients into a large pot with gallon water and bring to a boil.
When comes to boil turn off and let cool to room temp.
In a 5 gallon bucket add brine and 2nd gallon water.
Put Turkey in bucket and add more water to cover bird.
Cover and refrigerate.
Rinse bird before cooking.
Cooking the Bird
If you brined the turkey, then rinse it now.
Stuff in main opening and neck opening with stuffing.
Set in roasting pan breast side up
Stick an oven safe thermometer in the breast
Cover roasting pan with foil and cook at 325 until thermometer reaches 150.
Then remove foil until temperature reaches 165.
Then remove from oven.
Let it sit for 30 min.
Now is a good time to put the stuffing in the oven.